Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Lupus Awareness Month

Just in time for Lupus Awareness Month in October, is pleased to announce the addition of The Rheumatoid Arthritis or Lupus (SLE) guided imagery CD by Belleruth Naparstek.

The guided imagery is designed to help reduce inflammation, soreness, excess fluid; replace eroded bone and joint tissue; help calm overactive, misguided immune cells, encourage gentleness toward the self; reduce pain and fatigue; and encourage feelings of relaxation, safety, love and peace.

The CD retails for $17.98, and is a thoughtful gift for someone with Lupus.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

National Cholesterol Education Awareness Month

Cholesterol Month 2005 extends the theme, "Know your cholesterol numbers, know your risk." This theme emphasizes two of the main thrusts of the cholesterol guidelines: the importance of having your cholesterol measured and knowing your risk of developing heart disease.

If you want to lower high cholesterol or you want to maintain healthy cholesterol levels, National Cholesterol Education Awareness Month is a good time to take dietary steps to achieve your goals.

One of the best cholesterol-friendly foods you can eat is steel-cut oatmeal. Steel-cut oats are high in B-Vitamins, calcium, protein, and fiber. Fiber, particularly soluble fiber found in oats, can help lower blood cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. For those unfamiliar with steel-cut oats, they are whole grain groats (the inner portion of the oat kernel) which have been cut into two or three pieces using steel discs. They are heartier than rolled oats, which are flake oats that have been steamed, rolled, re-steamed and toasted. Less processing gives steel-cut oats a chewy texture and a glycemic index lower than that of rolled oats.

To try steel-cut oatmeal, visit where you can purchase McCann's Original Steel-Cut Oatmeal for $3.99 a box.

Friday, September 16, 2005

National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month

September is National Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month, and is pleased to offer a guided imagery CD to help individuals trying to break free from their addictions. The CD, Alcohol & Other Drugs, is by Belleruth Naparstek, and it is designed to reduce addictive craving, ease withdrawal, teach potent new relaxation skills, help the body reverse organ damage, restore vitality, increase self-esteem, and reinforce a 12-step program. It includes images of the body restoring itself and regaining vitality to accentuate positive motivation and support sobriety.

Monday, September 12, 2005

National 5 a Day Month

September is National 5 A Day Month--a time when the Produce for Better Health Foundation and the National 5 A Day Partnership encourage the increased consumption of fruits and vegetables. This year, is joining the effort with the introduction of the 5 A Day the Color Way Healthy Gift Basket for Children.

The gift basket is an educational, healthy gift for children that teaches them the importance of consuming at least 5 fruits and vegetables a day. It includes kid-friendly healthy treats of dried fruits and vegetables, 100% fruit & vegetable juice, and a 5 a Day the Color Way magnet. The magnet helps children keep track of their daily fruit and vegetable intake using the fun and easy "color way" method. Children can easily identify the colors of fruits and vegetables that they consume, and the color way method helps ensure that they are eating a nutritionally diverse diet for optimum health. The basket includes at least one snack representative of each of the 5 color groups to show children that eating fruits and vegetables is fun and easy.

This basket makes a great alternative to candy-filled and cookie-filled gift baskets and sets children on the path to life-long healthy eating habits.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Well Baskets and Women's Health

The month of September features many health observances focusing on the health and well being of women. The entire month is dedicated as Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month as well as National Menopause Awareness Month, and, at the end of the month on September 28, 2005, is National Women's Health and Fitness Day with a goal of promoting the importance of health awareness and regular physical activity for women of all ages.

To assist in the efforts of these observances, is featuring all of their Women's Health Baskets at 10% off. The baskets feature healthy foods and products to help women meet their unique nutritional needs and achieve optimum health. The baskets also feature "power" foods that may help ward off breast and ovarian cancers, reduce the risk of heart disease, and relieve the symptoms of menopause.

To receive the savings, use coupon code "wbb05" at checkout. The coupon is valid through September 30, 2005.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Guided Imagery to Help with Chemotherapy is pleased to announce the introduction of a new Health Journeys guided imagery CD: A Meditation to Help You with Chemotherapy.

The CD, by Belleruth Naparstek, is designed to show chemotherapy in a positive light; reduce aversive side effects, such as fatigue and nausea; help the body's immune cells fight cancer; and encourage hope, safety, and calm. It can be purchased on its own, or with a Cancer-Fighting Gift Basket featuring healthy, all-natural foods.