Monday, March 27, 2006

National Alcohol Awareness Month 2006

April is National Alcohol Awareness Month, and if you or someone you love has a problem with alcohol, there's no better time to address this issue. In addition to professional help, the guided imagery CD Alcohol & Other Drugs by Belleruth Naparstek may offer additional support in quitting.

The CD was designed to reduce addictive cravings, ease withdrawal, teach potent new relaxation skills, help the body reverse organ damage, restore vitality, increase self-esteem, and reinforce a 12-step program.

The CD can be purchased at for $17.98.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

National Sleep Awareness Week® 2006

The week of March 27–April 2 is National Sleep Awareness Week®--a time when the nation turns its eyes towards the importance of healthy sleep.

Babies, children, and adults all need an adequate amount of sleep for optimum health and proper mental and physical functioning. To address the importance of a good night's sleep, offers two CDs that should help induce a quality sleep in both young and old.

The first CD, Sleepy Baby, is a restful collection of music arranged to progressively lull your child into a deep and refreshing sleep. The second CD, A Meditation to Help You with Healthful Sleep, is a guided imagery CD by Belleruth Naparstek that combines healing imagery, powerful music, and the most current understanding of the mind-body connection to help you sleep.

For individuals with sleep difficulties, also offers an Insomnia Relief Gift Basket that makes a great, sleep-inducing gift.