Tuesday, May 02, 2006

National Headache Awareness Week 2006

National Headache Awareness Week 2006 is from June 4-10. This year, help yourself or someone you love by visiting Wellbaskets.com to try out a guided imagery CD from Belleruth Naparstek that just may ease the suffering. The CD, entitled Relieve Headaches, is a two-disc set designed to help relax tense muscles in the head and neck; assist with the opening and evening out of blood vessel caliber; elevate seratonin levels; reduce pain; assist the body in clearing out toxins; promote emotional balance; and clear the mind of cognitive clutter. The first CD helps relieve headaches, while the second CD helps prevent them. This guided imagery CD is appropriate for helping with all types of headaches including: migraine, tension headaches, and sinus headaches.