Monday, April 17, 2006

National High Blood Pressure Education Month 2006

The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan can help reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure as well as help lower blood pressure that is already elevated. The biggest benefits to blood pressure, however, occur when the DASH diet is combined with reduced sodium intake.

While changing to a low-sodium diet can be difficult, has tried to make the transition a little easer with a line of Low Sodium Gift Baskets. The baskets contain delicious, low-salt gourmet treats and are appropriate for birthdays, holidays, special occasions, and get well gifts.

National Arthritis Month 2006

May is National Arthritis Month, so visit and order a Pain Relieving Basket for an arthritis-sufferer you love. The gift baskets, featured in Arthritis Today, feature pain-relieving and inflammation-reducing foods such as cherries, ginger, green tea, nuts, and seeds. They are perfect for birthdays, holidays, and special occasions as well as for get well gifts and even for just "thinking-of-you" sentiments.

Better Sleep Month 2006

May is Better Sleep Month--a time to recognize that sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, and just like eating right and exercising, sleeping well is essential to feeling your best during the day. Sleep affects how you feel, your relationships, your productivity, and your quality of life. While you sleep, your brain goes to work, consolidating the day's learning into memory and reenergizing the body.

To address the importance of a good night's sleep, offers three CDs that should help induce a quality sleep in both young and old. The first CD, Sleepy Baby, is a restful collection of music arranged to progressively lull your child into a deep and refreshing sleep. The second CD, A Meditation to Help You with Healthful Sleep, is a guided imagery CD by Belleruth Naparstek that combines healing imagery, powerful music, and the most current understanding of the mind-body connection to help you sleep. The third CD, Insomnia Cure, a self-hypnosis CD by Dr. Rick Collingwood, contains advanced trance hypnotherapy and positive subliminal messages to help banish sleepless nights.

Wellbaskets also offers an Insomnia Relief gift basket with sleep-inducing foods to help relax the body and mind for a restful sleep.

National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month 2006

Each year, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) declares May National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month in the U.S. It's a peak season for asthma and allergy sufferers, and a perfect time to educate family, friends, co-workers and others about these diseases. In an effort to assist allergy sufferers, offers Allergy Relief Gift Baskets and a guided imagery CD entitled Relieve Asthma. The baskets contain healthy foods that can help relieve allergy symptoms such as congestion, sneezing, and coughing, and the CD contains imagery to help relieve anxiety and promote deeper calmer breathing while promoting a stance of being less reactive to the environment. The listener senses airways opening, swollen tissue subsiding, histamine response dissolving, and muscle bands relaxing.